Top 5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

Mar 19, 2021 | Air Conditioning

With the weather gradually shifting from the two extremes — hot and cold —  our home comfort systems are a necessity here in Central Ohio. Because of this, HVAC problems can quickly turn into a nightmare depending on the circumstances.

If your home comfort equipment is giving you problems and you’re looking for help, you can rest assured that you’re in the right place. We at Fairfield-Hamilton Heating & Cooling are always here to help!

Below, we present our Top 5 HVAC troubleshooting tips every homeowner should know:

Check Your System’s Air Filters 

Frequently checking and replacing your HVAC systems’ air filters is essential. This relatively inexpensive habit allows your comfort equipment to run more efficiently with proper airflow, and prevents a lot of breakdowns. Simply locate the filter on your unit and swap it out for a new one.

Checking Power Source

Make sure to check your HVAC system’s power source if you’re ever experiencing a loss of service. Sometimes, this can be as simple as a circuit breaker or a fuse that’s rendered your HVAC unit out of commission. If so, the solution is easy and won’t cost a lot.

Check Thermostat 

At times, the thermostat itself can cause problems. To figure out if this is causing your HVAC problem, adjust the thermometer and see if the HVAC system responds to the change in temperature. If it doesn’t, your thermostat is probably the problem. Having said that, you should always check the batteries before taking the next step of calling your HVAC service provider.

Clear Off Air Vents

Check all your air vents and registers to see if any of them are blocked or clogged or obstructed by anything in any sort of way. If there is something covering or blocking any of them, remove it and make sure your HVAC system has proper airflow. This will improve the efficiency of your HVAC equipment.

Check Outdoor Equipment

If your home comfort system is giving you problems, make sure to check your outdoor equipment. Make sure it’s clean and clear of all debris like shrubs, leaves, weeds, yard waste, and snow. This is one of our essential HVAC troubleshooting tips, as it can often prevent small issues turning into much larger and much more expensive problems.

Give us a call any time, day or night! 

As a trusted local HVAC company that cares, we are always happy to answer questions from customers experiencing problems with their home comfort systems. If you have questions or need help, call Fairfield-Hamilton Heating & Cooling today at 513-540-1716, or click here to schedule an appointment now!


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