10 Ways to Lower Your Utility Bills This Summer

May 21, 2021 | Air Conditioning

On average, the American family spends more than $1,400 a year on utilities. With the demand of energy constantly increasing and temperatures going up, families continue to search for ways to reduce the cost of utility bills while staying cool. With the help and advice of our professional technicians at Fairfield-Hamilton Heating & Cooling, here are 10 ways to lower your utility bills this summer:  

Window Renovations

Most folks don’t realize how much old windows are draining their bank accounts per year. As beautiful as these outdated windows are, they do not defend your house from increasing temperatures properly like most modern windows do. Up to date windows have sheets of glass in the middle called panes which can be single, double or even triple. Panes in the windows will keep the rising temperatures out of your house and keep the luxury of your HVAC system in.

Confirm Adequate Air Flow in the Household

Houses come in all different shapes and sizes and when it comes to air flow sometimes it can get tricky. Duct work in houses is set up for specific air flow. Some air vents could be closed yet its best to have a professional air balance to confirm your system is as efficient as possible. 

Invest in a Dehumidifier

Does 90 degrees in Florida feel the same as 90 degrees in Arizona? The answer is no. Why do you ask? Humidity. By adding a whole home dehumidifier you can make your home feel a lot colder than it actually is. Thus, allowing you to not set your thermostat as low saving you money on your utilities.


As previously mentioned, air flow is crucial to your home and your HVAC system. Investing in fans helps by assisting the air flow circulating in your house helping cool the house more efficiently. 

Precise Ductwork 

To optimize your HVAC system, duct work must be precisely sized for the house. For example, ducts that are too large for the HVAC system, air flow tends to be inconsistent or spotty. When you have too small of ducts, it increases the amount of static pressure on the HVAC system causing the blower motor to work harder which could potentially wear it out faster. 

Proper Insulation 

You wouldn’t leave your windows open with your HVAC system fully operating. Unfortunately, when homes don’t have the proper insulation, essentially you’re doing the same thing. Poor insulation and air leakage is so costly and a huge energy waste. Insulating your attic and walls  will improve the consistency of air flow in your home.

Replace HVAC Air Filters

If you have caught on to the common theme of today, air flow is crucial! A plugged up dirty filter restricts airflow thus reducing efficiency and air flow. A dirty air filter can also cause your HVAC system to burn its blower motor out, scorch your system and cause a complete failure.

Upgrade your Thermostat:  

With the help of modern technology thermostats have come a long way. Old thermostats are reactive, which means if the temperature goes above the point it was set, then it turns the air conditioner on. Unlike old thermostats, new thermostats are proactive with the ability to learn the home’s heat load. Modern thermostats can more accurately predict the appropriate time to turn on the air conditioner, therefore replacing your thermostat can help with comfort and energy efficiency.

Routine Maintenance

Just like cars, HVAC systems need routine maintenance to maintain efficiency. Not only does this help your HVAC system to last longer, routine maintenance prevents expensive breakdowns, improves air quality and saves you money. 

Modernize Your HVAC System

The older your equipment is, the more likely a costly breakdown will occur. Not to mention, older equipment has become more costly due to the lack of parts produced for repair of older HVAC systems. Today’s modernized equipment will help to lower energy costs and shield your home from inevitable repairs. Newer systems also produce more even temperatures and provide consistent levels of air flow. 

Call us today to help optimize your home for summer!

If you have any further questions on the information we provided today, Call Fairfield-Hamilton Heating & Cooling today at 513-540-1716, or click here to schedule an appointment now!


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